Synthetic Biology Approaches to Pattern Formation

Synthetic Biology Approaches to Pattern Formation

Our group contributes to the understanding of pattern formation in biology with an interdisciplinary approach that sits at the interface of biochemistry, biophysics and synthetic (developmental) biology.

We are fascinated by spatiotemporal organization in biology and how it arises from a mixture of biochemical, physical, and mechanical factors. Self-organization phenomena that give rise to biological pattern formation exhibit unexpected and complex behaviour often impossible to predict from the individual components. This can be observed across all scales of life, from the compositionally simple bacterial protein systems to the elaborate multicellular patterns that form during development of higher organisms. But despite this emergent complexity and ubiquity across scales, pattern formation usually relies on similar concepts and mechanisms.

We currently focus on two different scales of pattern formation: we investigate (1) how minimal, prokaryotic protein systems generate spatiotemporal organization on the intracellular scale, and (2) how multicellular patterns in mammalian tissues arise from (extracellular) protein circuits.

Minimal prokaryotic protein systems

Prokaryotic protein systems exhibit rather complex behavior despite their compositional simplicity (only a few proteins are involved). We have been using these systems to describe general biochemical and physical mechanisms of self-organization, reveal underlying design principles of pattern formation, and discover emergent properties like diffusiophoretic transport.

To study them, we employ biochemical in vitro reconstitution, or “bottom-up” synthetic biology: we use purified proteins and model membranes to recreate these cellular processes in the test tube. We can further control the reaction geometry with microfabrication and micropatterning techniques, i.e., by generating two-dimensional membrane patches or by encapsulating reactions in lipid vesicles or droplets. Together this gives us precise control over all reaction conditions and parameters and the ability to quantitatively analyse the system’s behaviour using biochemical assays and quantitative fluorescence microscopy. We are then able to discern what reaction components are necessary and/or sufficient for a given function and to build detailed mechanistic models, often in collaboration with theoretical groups.

Mulitcellular Patterns in mammalian tissues

To obtain a similar level of control over multicellular pattern formation as the one achieved in biochemical in vitro reconstitution, we use mammalian synthetic biology, protein and cell engineering, and optogenetics to deconstruct and rebuild the protein circuits underlying multicellular pattern formation. We build and employ molecular tools such as optogenetic proteins, fluorescent biosensors, and genetic circuits to precisely control and probe cellular processes. We are currently especially intrigued by how extracellular and cell-surface proteases modulate a variety of different processes like extracellular matrix remodeling and growth factor release, which shape tissue form and function.

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