
Synthetic Biology Approaches to Pattern Formation

Journal articles (10)

1.    Shim, Suin; Gouveia, Bernardo; Ramm, Beatrice; Valdez, Venecia A.; Petry, Sabine; Stone, Howard A.: Motorless transport of microtubules along tubulin, RanGTP, and salt gradients. Nature Communications 15: 9434 (2024) DOI


2.    Ramm, Beatrice; Schumacher, Dominik; Harms, Andrea; Heermann, Tamara; Klos, Philipp; Müller, Franziska; Schwille, Petra; Søgaard-Andersen, Lotte: Biomolecular condensate drives polymerization and bundling of the bacterial tubulin FtsZ to regulate cell division. Nature Communications 14: 3825 (2024). DOI


3.    Ramm, Beatrice; Khmelinskaia, Alena; Franquelim, Henri G; Schwille, Petra: Patterning DNA Origami on Membranes Through Protein Self-Organization. Visions of DNA Nanotechnology at 40 for the Next 40. Natural Computing Series, book chapter: 411—43 (2023). DOI


4.    Corrales-Guerrero, Laura; Steinchen, Wieland; Ramm, Beatrice; Mücksch, Jonas; Rosum, Julia; Refes, Yacine; Heimerl, Thomas; Bange, Gert; Schwille, Petra; Thanbichler, Martin: MipZ caps the plus-end of FtsZ polymers to promote their rapid disassembly. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119: e2208227119 (2022). DOI


5.    McNamara, Harold M.; Ramm, Beatrice; Toettcher, Jared E.: Synthetic developmental biology: New tools to deconstruct and rebuild developmental systems. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 141: 33—42. DOI


6.    Babl, Leon; Giacomelli, Giacomo; Ramm, Beatrice; Gelmroth, Ann-Kathrin; Bramkamp, Marc; Schwille, Petra: CTP-controlled liquid–liquid phase separation of ParB. Journal of Molecular Biology 434: 167401 (2022). DOI


7.    Heermann, Tamara; Steiert, Frederik; Ramm, Beatrice; Hundt, Nikolas; Schwille, Petra: Mass-sensitive particle tracking to elucidate the membrane-associated MinDE reaction cycle. Nature Methods 18: 1239—1246 (2022). DOI


8.    Ramm, Beatrice; Goychuk, Andriy; Khmelinskaia, Alena; Blumhardt, Philipp; Eto, Hiromune; Ganzinger, Kristina A.; Frey, Erwin; Schwille, Petra: Nature Physics 17: 850—858 (2921). DOI


9.    Heermann, Tamara; Ramm, Beatrice; Glaser, Samson; Schwille, Petra: Local Self-Enhancement of MinD Membrane Binding in Min Protein Pattern Formation. Journal of Molecular Biology   432: 3191—3204 (2020). DOI


10.  Ramm, Beatrice; Heermann, Tamara; Schwille, Petra: The E. coli MinCDE system in the regulation of protein patterns and gradients. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 76: 4245—4273 (2019). DOI

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